Are you ready to immerse yourself in a transformative journey that goes beyond conventional learning? Our program offers more than just a scholarship stipend; it’s a gateway to operational funding and exclusive participation in the prestigious EFW CRC Industry PhD Program, a collaboration between Central Queensland University and KPMG.


At EFW CRC, we’re committed to revolutionising the Australian food industry by tackling one of its biggest challenges: food waste. Through a strategic partnership with Central Queensland University and KPMG, our Industry PhD Program aims to cultivate research translation and leadership skills, attracting and retaining top-tier talent for the long-term advancement of the industry.


Whether you’re a seasoned professional in the agri-food sector or a fresh-faced student eager to make a difference, our program welcomes individuals who are passionate about driving change.


Current industry professionals, such as food technologists, production managers, engineers, and sustainability experts, who are keen to pursue an on-the-job PhD aligned with their existing or redefined roles. With the support of their employers, these candidates will embark on a 3.5-year journey to revolutionise food waste management within their organisations.

New students ready to join forces with a sponsoring company for a $100,000 co-sponsorship over 3.5 years. This investment will fuel research initiatives aimed at mapping and advancing food waste reduction strategies within the company, paving the way for a more sustainable future.

Please note: The Industry PhD Program is currently only available within Australia.

Program Duration:

  • With funding spanning a minimum of three years and up to a maximum of 3.5 years, participants will dive deep into their research projects, guided by leading experts in the field.
  • All PhDs must commence by January 2025 to ensure completion by June 2028, aligning with EFW CRC’s objectives.

Financial Scholarship and Support:

  • Participants have the option to choose between two financial support models:
  • Option 1: Industry partners provide ongoing salary support to existing staff members, while EFW CRC offers $50,000 over 3.5 years for operating expenses and a PhD completion bonus.
  • Option 2: Industry partners and EFW CRC each contribute $100,000 to cover base stipends, research expenses, and completion bonuses, ensuring ample support for the duration of the program.

Join Us in Shaping the Future:

  • As a participant in the EFW CRC Industry PhD Program, you’ll gain access to cutting-edge research facilities, industry networks, and mentorship opportunities, empowering you to make a tangible impact on food waste reduction efforts.

Are you prepared to step into the forefront of change? Seize this opportunity and lead the charge in reshaping the landscape of the Australian food industry and our mission to halve food waste by 2030!

Apply today to become a driving force for transformation, shaping a future where sustainability and innovation thrive at the forefront of progress in food loss and waste change.


For more information contact:

Dr Bianca Kay
